GRE Word List


needless or willful damage or violence

The meaning of the word mayhem is needless or willful damage or violence.

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igniteto set afire
magnanimitythe quality of being magnanimous : loftiness of spirit enabling one to bear trouble calmly, to disdain meanness and pettiness, and to display a noble generosity
genericrelating to or characteristic of a whole group or class : general
inveigleto win over by wiles : entice
transparenthaving the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly : pellucid
somnambulistan abnormal condition of sleep in which motor acts (such as walking) are performed
dinghya small boat carried on or towed behind a larger boat as a tender or a lifeboat
assurancethe state of being assured: such as
sedulousinvolving or accomplished with careful perseverance
backslideto lapse morally or in the practice of religion