GRE Word List


insulting or abusive language : vituperation

The meaning of the word invective is insulting or abusive language : vituperation.

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lackadaisicallacking life, spirit, or zest : languid
malfeasancewrongdoing or misconduct especially by a public official
episodicmade up of separate especially loosely connected episodes
stunto make senseless, groggy, or dizzy by or as if by a blow : daze
unearthto dig up out of or as if out of the earth : exhume
attributea quality, character, or characteristic ascribed to someone or something
promoteto advance in station, rank, or honor : raise
malignevil in nature, influence, or effect : injurious
inroadan advance or penetration often at the expense of someone or something
breachinfraction or violation of a law, obligation, tie, or standard