GRE Word List
to alter or corrupt (something, such as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter
The meaning of the word interpolate is to alter or corrupt (something, such as a text) by inserting new or foreign matter.
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Word | Meaning |
militia | a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency |
analogy | a comparison of two otherwise unlike things based on resemblance of a particular aspect |
rhetoric | the art of speaking or writing effectively: such as |
cornucopia | a curved, hollow goat's horn or similarly shaped receptacle (such as a horn-shaped basket) that is overflowing especially with fruit and vegetables (such as gourds, ears of corn, apples, and grapes) and that is used as a decorative motif emblematic of abundance |
equanimity | evenness of mind especially under stress |
default | failure to do something required by duty or law : neglect |
negate | to deny the existence or truth of |
enclave | a distinct territorial, cultural, or social unit enclosed within or as if within foreign territory |
tonsure | the Roman Catholic or Eastern rite of admission to the clerical state by the clipping or shaving of a portion of the head |
exude | to ooze out |