GRE Word List


committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object

The meaning of the word sacrilegious is committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object.

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centaurany of a race of creatures fabled to be half human and half horse and to live in the mountains of Thessaly
judicioushaving, exercising, or characterized by sound judgment
genrea category of artistic, musical, or literary composition characterized by a particular style, form, or content
extroverta person whose personality is characterized by extroversion : a typically gregarious and unreserved person who enjoys and seeks out social interaction
arbitrateto act as arbiter upon (a disputed question) : to settle (a dispute between two people or groups) after hearing the arguments and opinions of both
unanimitythe quality or state of being unanimous
briskkeenly alert : lively
sageone (such as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
amuleta charm (such as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to aid the wearer or protect against evil (such as disease or witchcraft)