GRE Word List


committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object

The meaning of the word sacrilegious is committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object.

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pervertto cause to turn aside or away from what is good or true or morally right : corrupt
incrustationa crust or hard coating
disbandto break up the organization of : dissolve
pinnacea light sailing ship
debutanteone making a debut (see debut
snipa small piece that is snipped off
skimto clear (a liquid) of scum or floating substance
checkto inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively
modean arrangement of the eight diatonic notes or tones of an octave according to one of several fixed schemes of their intervals (see interval