GRE Word List


committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object

The meaning of the word sacrilegious is committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object.

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apprehensiveviewing the future with anxiety or alarm : feeling or showing fear or apprehension about the future
gruela thin porridge
addenduma thing added : addition
woea condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief
doffto remove (an article of wear) from the body
chimericalexisting only as the product of unchecked imagination : fantastically visionary (see visionary
politypolitical organization
baroqueof, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent especially in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension
obesehaving excessive body fat