GRE Word List


disobedient to authority

The meaning of the word insubordination is disobedient to authority.

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emolumentthe returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites
pulsateto throb or move rhythmically : vibrate
attributea quality, character, or characteristic ascribed to someone or something
destitutelacking something needed or desirable
cachea hiding place especially for concealing and preserving provisions or implements
denouementthe final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work
vouchsafeto grant or furnish often in a gracious or condescending manner
puissanthaving puissance : powerful
loatheto dislike greatly and often with disgust or intolerance : detest
obeliskan upright 4-sided usually monolithic pillar that gradually tapers as it rises and terminates in a pyramid