GRE Word List


marked by fancy or unrestrained imagination rather than by reason and experience

The meaning of the word fanciful is marked by fancy or unrestrained imagination rather than by reason and experience.

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remonstrateto present and urge reasons in opposition : expostulate
introspectivecharacterized by examination of one's own thoughts and feelings : thoughtfully reflective : employing, marked by, or tending to introspection
scalean instrument or machine for weighing
disembarkto remove to shore from a ship
avidcharacterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit : very eager and enthusiastic
fissurea narrow opening or crack of considerable length and depth usually occurring from some breaking or parting
sneakto go stealthily or furtively : slink
palatialof, relating to, or being a palace
intimatemarked by a warm friendship developing through long association
unwarrantedlacking adequate or official support : not warranted : unjustified