GRE Word List


made, done, or formed on or as if on the spur of the moment : improvised

The meaning of the word impromptu is made, done, or formed on or as if on the spur of the moment : improvised.

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plausiblesuperficially fair, reasonable, or valuable but often specious
mogulan Indian Muslim of or descended from one of several conquering groups of Mongol, Turkish, and Persian origin
hilarityboisterous merriment or laughter
composurea calmness or repose especially of mind, bearing, or appearance : self-possession
ethnologya branch of cultural anthropology dealing chiefly with the comparative and analytical study of cultures
captiousmarked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections
archipelagoan expanse of water with many scattered islands
pachydermany of various nonruminant mammals (such as an elephant, a rhinoceros, or a hippopotamus) of a former group (Pachydermata) that have hooves or nails resembling hooves and usually thick skin
correlationthe state or relation of being correlated