GRE Word List


blatantly and disdainfully proud : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior

The meaning of the word haughtiness is blatantly and disdainfully proud : having or showing an attitude of superiority and contempt for people or things perceived to be inferior.

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habitatthe place or environment where a plant or animal naturally or normally lives and grows
shuffleto mix in a mass confusedly : jumble
loftyelevated in character and spirit : noble
deploreto feel or express grief for
aplombcomplete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise
pedigreea register recording a line of ancestors
adherentone who adheres to something: such as
enfranchiseto set free (as from slavery)
corrugatedhaving corrugations
catastrophea momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin