GRE Word List


a place of security and comfort : refuge

The meaning of the word harbor is a place of security and comfort : refuge.

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premonitionprevious notice or warning : forewarning
waverto vacillate irresolutely between choices : fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction
solitudethe quality or state of being alone or remote from society : seclusion
haranguea speech addressed to a public assembly
advocateone who defends or maintains a cause or proposal
anchora device usually of metal attached to a ship or boat by a cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place by means of a fluke that digs into the bottom
pinchto squeeze between the finger and thumb or between the jaws of an instrument
comaa state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison
bedizento dress or adorn gaudily
gorycovered with gore : bloodstained