GRE Word List


to be unwilling to give or admit : give or allow reluctantly or resentfully

The meaning of the word grudge is to be unwilling to give or admit : give or allow reluctantly or resentfully.

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opportunesuitable or convenient for a particular occurrence
indictto charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law
litheeasily bent or flexed
halfheartedlacking heart, spirit, or interest
executeto carry out fully : put completely into effect
heterodoxcontrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion : unorthodox
melancholydepression of spirits : dejection
beseechto beg for urgently or anxiously
usurpto seize and hold (office, place, functions, powers, etc.) in possession by force or without right
perpetrateto bring about or carry out (something, such as a crime or deception) : commit