GRE Word List


an unusual or unexpected sight : phenomenon

The meaning of the word apparition is an unusual or unexpected sight : phenomenon.

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renditionthe act or result of rendering something: such as
scaffolda temporary or movable platform for workers (such as bricklayers, painters, or miners) to stand or sit on when working at a height above the floor or ground
quackto make the characteristic cry of a duck
acumenkeenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters
arborealof, relating to, or resembling a tree
expeditiousmarked by or acting with prompt efficiency
penitentfeeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses : repentant
articulateexpressing oneself readily, clearly, and effectively
apothegma short, pithy, and instructive saying or formulation : aphorism