GRE Word List


a soft black lustrous form of carbon that conducts electricity and is used in lead pencils and electrolytic anodes, as a lubricant, and as a moderator in nuclear reactors

The meaning of the word graphite is a soft black lustrous form of carbon that conducts electricity and is used in lead pencils and electrolytic anodes, as a lubricant, and as a moderator in nuclear reactors.

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dictuma noteworthy statement: such as
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derisionthe use of ridicule or scorn to show contempt
apotheosisthe perfect form or example of something : quintessence
remitto lay aside (a mood or disposition) partly or wholly
sturdyfirmly built or constituted : stout
herpetologista branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians
laggardlagging or tending to lag : slow especially compared to others of the same kind
bruisean injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin : contusion