GRE Word List


very flowery in style : ornate

The meaning of the word florid is very flowery in style : ornate.

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paleontologya science dealing with the life of past geologic periods as known from fossil remains
incorrigibleincapable of being corrected or amended: such as
applicationan act of applying:
worldlyof, relating to, or devoted to this world and its pursuits rather than to religion or spiritual affairs
whetto sharpen by rubbing on or with something (such as a stone)
nonsensewords or language having no meaning or conveying no intelligible ideas
draughta rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form; to write the first rough version of something such as a letter, speech, book or law; to choose people and send them somewhere for a special task
fiatan authoritative or arbitrary order : decree
rabblea disorganized or confused collection of things