GRE Word List
a young bird just fledged (see fledge
The meaning of the word fledgling is a young bird just fledged (see fledge.
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coma | a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison |
shoot | to eject or impel or cause to be ejected or impelled by a sudden release of tension (as of a bowstring or slingshot or by a flick of a finger) |
amity | friendship |
carillon | a set of fixed chromatically tuned bells sounded by hammers controlled from a keyboard |
merger | the absorption of an estate, a contract, or an interest in another, of a minor offense in a greater, or of a cause of action into a judgment |
ambidextrous | using both hands with equal ease or dexterity |
oversee | survey |
tremor | a trembling or shaking usually from physical weakness, emotional stress, or disease |
traduce | to expose to shame or blame by means of falsehood and misrepresentation |
authoritarian | of, relating to, or favoring blind submission to authority |