GRE Word List


one who has committed a felony

The meaning of the word felon is one who has committed a felony.

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semblanceoutward and often specious appearance or show : form
engrossto copy or write in a large hand
partitionthe action of parting : the state of being parted : division
defrockto deprive of the right to exercise the functions of office
presentimenta feeling that something will or is about to happen : premonition
sonicutilizing, produced by, or relating to sound waves
metaphora figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them (as in drowning in money)
vignettea picture (such as an engraving or photograph) that shades off gradually into the surrounding paper
surrogateone appointed to act in place of another : deputy
chalicea drinking cup : goblet