GRE Word List


the quality or state of being exuberant

The meaning of the word exuberance is the quality or state of being exuberant.

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quixoticfoolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals
crustthe hardened exterior or surface part of bread
ineffableincapable of being expressed in words : indescribable
petrifyto convert (organic matter) into stone or a substance of stony hardness by the infiltration of water and the deposition of dissolved mineral matter
resuscitateto revive from apparent death or from unconsciousness
hysteriaa psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability and disturbances of the psychogenic, sensory, vasomotor, and visceral (see visceral
bereavementthe state or fact of being bereaved or deprived of something or someone
mangleto injure with deep disfiguring wounds by cutting, tearing, or crushing
macerateto cause to waste away by or as if by excessive fasting