GRE Word List


to sink or fall to the bottom : settle

The meaning of the word subside is to sink or fall to the bottom : settle.

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cantthe expression or repetition of conventional or trite opinions or sentiments
monetaryof or relating to money or to the mechanisms by which it is supplied to and circulates in the economy
humilityfreedom from pride or arrogance : the quality or state of being humble
practicablecapable of being put into practice or of being done or accomplished : feasible
prolongto lengthen in time : continue
incredulitythe quality or state of being incredulous : disbelief
blaseapathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment : world-weary
enactto establish by legal and authoritative act
squatto cause (oneself) to crouch or sit on the ground
queuea braid of hair usually worn hanging at the back of the head