GRE Word List


a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn

The meaning of the word disdain is a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn.

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monolithicof, relating to, or resembling a monolith : huge
ornatemarked by elaborate rhetoric (see rhetoric
sullengloomily or resentfully silent or repressed
apocalypticof, relating to, or resembling an apocalypse
carnivoroussubsisting or feeding on animal tissues
avocationa subordinate occupation pursued in addition to one's vocation especially for enjoyment : hobby
prototypean original model on which something is patterned : archetype
distortto twist (see twist
stammerto make involuntary stops and repetitions in speaking : stutter
coagulateto cause to become viscous or thickened into a coherent mass : curdle