GRE Word List


of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm

The meaning of the word somatic is of, relating to, or affecting the body especially as distinguished from the germplasm.

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sustainto give support or relief to
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standstilla state characterized by absence of motion or of progress : stop
glareto shine with a harsh uncomfortably brilliant light
correlateeither of two things so related that one directly implies or is complementary to the other (such as husband and wife)
salubriousfavorable to or promoting health or well-being
fruitfulyielding or producing fruit
flitto pass quickly or abruptly from one place or condition to another
murkycharacterized by a heavy dimness or obscurity caused by or like that caused by overhanging fog or smoke
glowerto look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger