GRE Word List


the act or state of disapproving : the state of being disapproved : condemnation

The meaning of the word disapprobation is the act or state of disapproving : the state of being disapproved : condemnation.

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venisonthe edible flesh of a game animal and especially a deer
promulgateto make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people by open declaration : proclaim
seasona time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature
salutaryproducing a beneficial effect : remedial
disheartento cause to lose hope, enthusiasm, or courage : to cause to lose spirit or morale
tingea slight staining or suffusing shade or color
avalanchea large mass of snow, ice, earth, rock, or other material in swift motion down a mountainside or over a precipice
rabidextremely violent : furious
incarnationthe act of incarnating : the state of being incarnate
interveneto occur, fall, or come between points of time or events