GRE Word List


a brief popular epigram or maxim : adage

The meaning of the word proverb is a brief popular epigram or maxim : adage.

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submergeto put under water
awfulextremely disagreeable or objectionable
belieto give a false impression of
promiscuoushaving or involving many sexual partners : not restricted to one sexual partner or few sexual partners
chortleto sing or chant exultantly
meteoricof or relating to a meteor
exposurethe fact or condition of being exposed: such as
vyingcontending; to strive for superiority
transcendentexceeding usual limits : surpassing
grotesquea style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foliage or similar figures that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature