GRE Word List


an acute (see acute

The meaning of the word delirium is an acute (see acute.

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asymmetrichaving two sides or halves that are not the same : not symmetrical
execrateto declare to be evil or detestable : denounce
nauseaa stomach distress with distaste for food and an urge to vomit
vivisectionthe cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation
pretendto give a false appearance of being, possessing, or performing
wrangleto dispute angrily or peevishly : bicker
pandemoniuma wild uproar (as because of anger or excitement in a crowd of people)
hindmostfarthest to the rear : last
cordonan ornamental cord or ribbon
mosaica surface decoration made by inlaying small pieces of variously colored material to form pictures or patterns