GRE Word List
weigh down
The meaning of the word encumber is weigh down.
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Word | Meaning |
peremptory | putting an end to or precluding a right of action, debate, or delay |
gallows | a frame usually of two upright posts and a transverse beam from which criminals are hanged |
polygamist | marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time compare polyandry |
panacea | a remedy for all ills or difficulties : cure-all |
irate | roused to ire |
reparable | capable of being repaired |
noncommittal | giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling |
grievance | a cause of distress (such as an unsatisfactory working condition) felt to afford reason for complaint or resistance |
probe | a slender medical instrument used especially for exploration (as of a wound or body cavity) |
erratic | having no fixed course : wandering |