GRE Word List


a usually elected public officer who is typically not required to have specific medical qualifications and whose principal duty is to inquire by an inquest into the cause of any death which there is reason to suppose is not due to natural causes compare medical examiner

The meaning of the word coroner is a usually elected public officer who is typically not required to have specific medical qualifications and whose principal duty is to inquire by an inquest into the cause of any death which there is reason to suppose is not due to natural causes compare medical examiner.

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emollientmaking soft or supple
causticcapable of destroying or eating away by chemical action : corrosive
correlateeither of two things so related that one directly implies or is complementary to the other (such as husband and wife)
veritablebeing in fact the thing named and not false, unreal, or imaginary
terminuseither end of a transportation line or travel route
ulcera break in skin or mucous membrane with loss of surface tissue, disintegration and necrosis of epithelial tissue, and often pus
denigrateto attack the reputation of : defame
detainto hold or keep in or as if in custody
lapa loose overlapping or hanging panel or flap especially of a garment
arteryany of the tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body