GRE Word List


a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men

The meaning of the word coquette is a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men.

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askancewith disapproval or distrust : scornfully
miniona servile dependent, follower, or underling
fictitiousof, relating to, or characteristic of fiction : imaginary
imbalancelack of balance : the state of being out of equilibrium or out of proportion
quailany of numerous small gallinaceous birds: such as
stocka store or supply accumulated or available
inductiveof, relating to, or employing mathematical or logical induction
mediocreof moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary
indefatigableincapable of being fatigued : untiring
citeto call upon officially or authoritatively to appear (as before a court)