GRE Word List


a written communication : letter

The meaning of the word missive is a written communication : letter.

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tutelageinstruction especially of an individual
nihilista viewpoint that traditional values and beliefs are unfounded and that existence is senseless and useless
commemorativeintended as a commemoration
tumultdisorderly agitation or milling about of a crowd usually with uproar and confusion of voices : commotion
casteone of the hereditary social classes in Hinduism that restrict the occupation of their members and their association with the members of other castes
vertebrateany of a subphylum (Vertebrata) of chordates that comprises animals (such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) typically having a bony or cartilaginous spinal column which replaces the notochord, a distinct head containing a brain which arises as an enlarged part of the nerve cord, and an internal usually bony skeleton and that includes some primitive forms (such as lampreys) in which the spinal column is absent and the notochord persists throughout life
repineto feel or express dejection or discontent : complain
pastea dough that contains a considerable proportion of fat and is used for pastry crust or fancy rolls
bitterbeing, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is peculiarly acrid, astringent, and often disagreeable and characteristic of citrus peels, unsweetened cocoa, black coffee, mature leafy greens (such as kale or mustard), or ale
glibshowing little forethought or preparation : offhand