GRE Word List


the act of conglomerating : the state of being conglomerated

The meaning of the word conglomeration is the act of conglomerating : the state of being conglomerated.

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vieto strive for superiority : contend
doldrumsa spell of listlessness or despondency
vivisectionthe cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation
deleteto eliminate especially by blotting out, cutting out, or erasing
vagaryan erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
manipulateto treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner
impersonalhaving no personal reference or connection
arroyoa watercourse (such as a creek) in an arid region
perquisitea privilege, gain, or profit incidental to regular salary or wages
mammothany of a genus (Mammuthus) of extinct Pleistocene mammals of the elephant family distinguished from recent elephants by highly ridged molars, usually large size, very long tusks that curve upward, and well-developed body hair