GRE Word List



The meaning of the word condole is grieve.

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self-indulgenceexcessive or unrestrained gratification of one's own appetites, desires, or whims
limberhaving a supple and resilient quality (as of mind or body) : agile
execrabledeserving to be execrated : detestable
berateto scold or condemn vehemently and at length
tridenta 3-pronged spear serving in classical mythology as the attribute of a sea god (such as Neptune)
cynosurethe northern constellation Ursa Minor
indictto charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (such as a grand jury) in due form of law
prudea person who is excessively or priggishly attentive to propriety or decorum
pulsateto throb or move rhythmically : vibrate