GRE Word List
marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail
The meaning of the word concise is marked by brevity of expression or statement : free from all elaboration and superfluous detail.
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Word | Meaning |
odious | arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance : hateful |
untoward | difficult to guide, manage, or work with : unruly |
accrue | to come into existence as a legally enforceable claim |
intractable | not easily governed, managed, or directed |
wrangle | to dispute angrily or peevishly : bicker |
runic | any of the characters of any of several alphabets used by the Germanic peoples from about the 3rd to the 13th centuries |
insinuate | to impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way : imply |
bate | to reduce the force or intensity of : restrain |
equity | justice according to natural law or right |
finicky | extremely or excessively particular, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards |