GRE Word List


the act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat)

The meaning of the word concession is the act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat).

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poulticea soft usually heated and sometimes medicated mass spread on cloth and applied to sores or other lesions
winceto shrink back involuntarily (as from pain) : flinch
invoketo petition for help or support
prolongto lengthen in time : continue
cogentappealing forcibly to the mind or reason : convincing
gruelingtrying or taxing to the point of exhaustion : punishing
aplombcomplete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise
ultimatuma final proposition, condition, or demand
tossto throw with a quick, light, or careless motion or with a sudden jerk