GRE Word List


a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension

The meaning of the word trepidation is a nervous or fearful feeling of uncertain agitation : apprehension.

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respirationthe movement of air or dissolved gases into and out of the lungs
aghaststruck with terror, amazement, or horror : shocked and upset
ecosystemthe complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit
perfunctorycharacterized by routine or superficiality : mechanical
dissectionthe act or process of dissecting : the state of being dissected
lanknot well filled out : slender
effaceto eliminate or make indistinct by or as if by wearing away a surface
moleculethe smallest particle of a substance that retains all the properties (see property
articulateexpressing oneself readily, clearly, and effectively
stockadea line of stout posts set firmly to form a defense