GRE Word List


capable of existing together in harmony

The meaning of the word compatible is capable of existing together in harmony.

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germinateto cause to sprout or develop
potpourria mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent
allayto subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : alleviate
fussyeasily upset : irritable
impendingoccurring or likely to occur soon : upcoming
pitha usually continuous central strand of spongy tissue in the stems of most vascular plants that probably functions chiefly in storage
posteritythe offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation
gourmandone who is excessively fond of eating and drinking
presagesomething that foreshadows or portends a future event : omen
decadencethe process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent