GRE Word List


overfilled and extended with liquid, gas, food, etc.

The meaning of the word bloated is overfilled and extended with liquid, gas, food, etc..

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quellto thoroughly overwhelm and reduce to submission or passivity
hypocriticalcharacterized by behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel : characterized by hypocrisy
pretexta purpose or motive alleged or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs
precisa concise summary of essential points, statements, or facts
enunciateto make a definite or systematic statement of
inclinedhaving inclination, disposition, or tendency
prevailto gain ascendancy through strength or superiority : triumph
atheistica person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism
fatuouscomplacently or inanely foolish : silly
embellishto make beautiful with ornamentation : decorate