GRE Word List


the act, process, or practice of settling a dispute in a court of law : the act or process of litigating

The meaning of the word litigation is the act, process, or practice of settling a dispute in a court of law : the act or process of litigating.

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affablebeing pleasant and at ease in talking to others
aperturean opening or open space : hole
recidivisma tendency to relapse into a previous condition or mode of behavior
leonineof, relating to, suggestive of, or resembling a lion
debutanteone making a debut (see debut
acnea disorder of the skin caused by inflammation of the skin glands and hair follicles
potentialexisting in possibility : capable of development into actuality
ardoran often restless or transitory warmth of feeling
pulpitan elevated platform or high reading desk used in preaching or conducting a worship service