GRE Word List


of, relating to, or characterized by celibacy:

The meaning of the word celibate is of, relating to, or characterized by celibacy:.

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vapidlacking flavor, zest, interest, animation, or spirit : flat
buccaneerany of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies
misapprehensionto apprehend wrongly : misunderstand
tarantulaany of various large, typically ground-dwelling, hairy, mygalomorph spiders (family Theraphosidae) of warm regions that possess venomous fangs used to subdue and kill prey (such as insects, centipedes, frogs, and mice) caught by ambush or chase and that construct silk-lined burrows but do not build webs to trap food
terseusing few words : devoid of superfluity
unceremoniousnot ceremonious : informal
diffusebeing at once verbose and ill-organized
rabiesan acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus (species Rabies virus of the genus Lyssavirus) usually transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal and that is characterized typically by increased salivation, abnormal behavior, and eventual paralysis and death when untreated
artfulperformed with or showing art or skill