GRE Word List


rapidity of motion or action

The meaning of the word celerity is rapidity of motion or action.

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mercantileof or relating to merchants or trading
defiancethe act or an instance of defying : challenge
enfranchiseto set free (as from slavery)
venialof a kind that can be remitted : forgivable
checkeredmarked by alternating squares of different colors, shades, or materials
thrashto beat soundly with or as if with a stick or whip : flog
rusticateto go into or reside in the country : follow a rustic life
engageto offer (something, such as one's life or word) as backing to a cause or aim : to expose to risk for the attainment or support of some end
noxiousphysically harmful or destructive to living beings
impertinentgiven to or characterized by insolent rudeness