GRE Word List


a bony or chitinous case or shield covering the back or part of the back of an animal (such as a turtle or crab)

The meaning of the word carapace is a bony or chitinous case or shield covering the back or part of the back of an animal (such as a turtle or crab).

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belateddelayed beyond the usual time
biennialoccurring every two years
nettleany of a genus (Urtica of the family Urticaceae, the nettle family) of chiefly coarse herbs armed with stinging hairs
mischiefa specific injury or damage attributed to a particular agent
amorphoushaving no definite form : shapeless
notorietythe quality or state of being notorious
criteriaa standard on which a judgment or decision may be based
finishto come to an end : terminate
tracta system of body parts or organs that act together to perform some function
captiousmarked by an often ill-natured inclination to stress faults and raise objections