GRE Word List


an intentional abandonment

The meaning of the word dereliction is an intentional abandonment.

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indentationthe blank space produced by indenting : indention
haggleto cut roughly or clumsily : hack
obviateto anticipate and prevent (something, such as a situation) or make (an action) unnecessary
macerateto cause to waste away by or as if by excessive fasting
probityadherence to the highest principles and ideals : uprightness
delineateto describe, portray, or set forth with accuracy or in detail
draughta rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form; to write the first rough version of something such as a letter, speech, book or law; to choose people and send them somewhere for a special task
indigenousproduced, growing, living, or occurring natively or naturally in a particular region or environment