GRE Word List


to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : bully

The meaning of the word browbeat is to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : bully.

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haggardnot tamed
balmyhaving the qualities of balm : soothing
retainto keep in possession or use
grotesquea style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foliage or similar figures that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature
bigota person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices
decompositionto separate into constituent parts or elements or into simpler compounds
lubricateto make smooth or slippery
lasciviousfilled with or showing sexual desire : lewd
phoenixa legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period