GRE Word List


to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : bully

The meaning of the word browbeat is to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech : bully.

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audaciousintrepidly daring : adventurous
earnto receive as return for effort and especially for work done or services rendered
allegorythe expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations about human existence
emblazonto inscribe or adorn with or as if with heraldic bearings or devices
glacialsuggestive of ice: such as
verisimilitudethe quality or state of being verisimilar
stoketo poke or stir up (a fire, flames, etc.) : supply with fuel
eminentexhibiting eminence especially in standing above others in some quality or position : prominent
sedulousinvolving or accomplished with careful perseverance
invulnerableincapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed