GRE Word List


to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat : grill

The meaning of the word broil is to cook by direct exposure to radiant heat : grill.

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wrongheadedstubborn in adherence to wrong opinion or principles
discordantbeing at variance : disagreeing
accommodateto provide with something desired, needed, or suited
museto become absorbed in thought
elopeto run away secretly with the intention of getting married usually without parental consent
supposititiousfraudulently substituted : spurious
equityjustice according to natural law or right
semblanceoutward and often specious appearance or show : form
smeltany of a family (Osmeridae) of small bony fishes that closely resemble the trouts in general structure, live along coasts and ascend rivers to spawn or are landlocked, and have delicate oily flesh with a distinctive odor and taste