GRE Word List


to provide for the payment of : pay

The meaning of the word defray is to provide for the payment of : pay.

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compunctionanxiety arising from awareness of guilt
relentto become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity
flourishto grow luxuriantly : thrive
imploreto make an earnest request to (someone) : beg
bitterbeing, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is peculiarly acrid, astringent, and often disagreeable and characteristic of citrus peels, unsweetened cocoa, black coffee, mature leafy greens (such as kale or mustard), or ale
submergeto put under water
kneadto work and press into a mass with or as if with the hands
retrogradehaving or being motion in a direction contrary to that of the general motion of similar bodies and especially east to west among the stars
carapacea bony or chitinous case or shield covering the back or part of the back of an animal (such as a turtle or crab)
onomatopoeiathe naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as buzz, hiss)