GRE Word List


resembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person : resembling or befitting a boor

The meaning of the word boorish is resembling or befitting a rude or insensitive person : resembling or befitting a boor.

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tannerone that tans hides
comprehensivecovering completely or broadly : inclusive
liquidateto determine by agreement or by litigation the precise amount of (indebtedness, damages, or accounts)
pernicioushighly injurious or destructive : deadly
aromaticof, relating to, or having aroma:
aegisa shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena
headfirstwith the head foremost
argotthe language used by a particular type or group of people : an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group
acquiesceto accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively
misdemeanora crime less serious than a felony (see felony