GRE Word List


a person or thing that receives help or an advantage from something : one that benefits from something

The meaning of the word beneficiary is a person or thing that receives help or an advantage from something : one that benefits from something.

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severitythe quality or state of being severe : the condition of being very bad, serious, unpleasant, or harsh
fouloffensive to the senses : loathsome
orientationthe act or process of orienting or of being oriented
fraileasily led into evil
blareto sound loud and strident
incredulousunwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous : skeptical
willowyabounding with willows
zanyvery eccentric (see eccentric
parquetto furnish with a floor of parquet
vipera common Eurasian venomous snake (Vipera berus) that attains a length of about two feet (0.6 meter), varies in color from red, brown, or gray with dark markings to black, and is usually not fatal to humans