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of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent especially in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension

The meaning of the word baroque is of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a style of artistic expression prevalent especially in the 17th century that is marked generally by use of complex forms, bold ornamentation, and the juxtaposition of contrasting elements often conveying a sense of drama, movement, and tension.

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integrateto form, coordinate, or blend into a functioning or unified whole : unite
thermalof, relating to, or caused by heat
tonsurethe Roman Catholic or Eastern rite of admission to the clerical state by the clipping or shaving of a portion of the head
aspersiona false or misleading charge meant to harm someone's reputation
inhibitto prohibit from doing something
deliriuman acute (see acute
integrityfirm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
anomalysomething different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous
unfetterto free from fetters