GRE Word List


a source of harm or ruin : curse

The meaning of the word bane is a source of harm or ruin : curse.

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zeniththe point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer see azimuth illustration
trickleto issue or fall in drops
ambivalencesimultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (such as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action
enunciateto make a definite or systematic statement of
unfledgednot feathered : not ready for flight
devolveto pass on (something, such as responsibility, rights, or powers) from one person or entity to another
incisiveimpressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation)
facetiousjoking or jesting often inappropriately : waggish
foregoto go before : precede
whelpany of the young of various carnivorous mammals and especially of the dog