GRE Word List


to defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : disconcert

The meaning of the word baffle is to defeat or check (someone) by confusing or puzzling : to confuse or frustrate completely : disconcert.

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ultimatuma final proposition, condition, or demand
glareto shine with a harsh uncomfortably brilliant light
quaya structure built parallel to the bank of a waterway for use as a landing place
loga usually bulky piece or length of a cut or fallen tree
malodoroushaving a bad odor
continencethe ability to retain a bodily discharge voluntarily
castrateto deprive (a male animal or person) of the testes
tendto exhibit an inclination or tendency : conduce
actuateto put into mechanical action or motion
hackneyedlacking in freshness or originality