GRE Word List


preventing infection

The meaning of the word aseptic is preventing infection.

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stanzaa division of a poem consisting of a series of lines arranged together in a usually recurring pattern of meter and rhyme : strophe
cachea hiding place especially for concealing and preserving provisions or implements
incoherentlacking coherence: such as
chorusa company of singers and dancers in Athenian drama participating in or commenting on the action
diminutionthe act, process, or an instance of becoming gradually less (as in size or importance) : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease
venisonthe edible flesh of a game animal and especially a deer
mantlea loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : cloak
impedeto interfere with or slow the progress of
grotesquea style of decorative art characterized by fanciful or fantastic human and animal forms often interwoven with foliage or similar figures that may distort the natural into absurdity, ugliness, or caricature
stridentcharacterized by harsh, insistent, and discordant sound