GRE Word List


having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations

The meaning of the word adroit is having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations.

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indecisiona wavering between two or more possible courses of action : irresolution
unearthlynot earthly: such as
soldera metal or metallic alloy used when melted to join metallic surfaces
impregnateto cause to be filled, imbued, permeated, or saturated
cadencethe beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity
slovenlyuntidy especially in personal appearance
malaisean indefinite feeling of debility or lack of health often indicative of or accompanying the onset of an illness
grapplethe act or an instance of grappling
mnemonicassisting or intended to assist memory
incisiveimpressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation)