GRE Word List


too evident to be doubted : unquestionable

The meaning of the word indubitable is too evident to be doubted : unquestionable.

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apocryphalof doubtful authenticity : spurious
galleya ship or boat propelled solely or chiefly by oars: such as
cachea hiding place especially for concealing and preserving provisions or implements
buccaneerany of the freebooters preying on Spanish ships and settlements especially in 17th century West Indies
presentimenta feeling that something will or is about to happen : premonition
tempothe rate of speed of a musical piece or passage indicated by one of a series of directions (such as largo, presto, or allegro) and often by an exact metronome marking
reprobationthe act of reprobating : the state of being reprobated
proverba brief popular epigram or maxim : adage
amphitheateran oval or circular building with rising tiers of seats ranged about an open space and used in ancient Rome especially for contests and spectacles