GRE Word List


a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process

The meaning of the word acquittal is a setting free from the charge of an offense by verdict, sentence, or other legal process.

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existentialof, relating to, or affirming existence
derogatoryexpressive of a low opinion : disparaging
dronea stingless male bee (as of the honeybee) that has the role of mating with the queen and does not gather nectar or pollen
havocwide and general destruction : devastation
entreatto plead with especially in order to persuade : ask urgently
hiatusa break in or as if in a material object : gap
negligibleso small or unimportant or of so little consequence as to warrant little or no attention : trifling
tentativenot fully worked out or developed
disenfranchiseto deprive of a franchise, of a legal right, or of some privilege or immunity
primogeniturethe state of being the firstborn of the children of the same parents